• Two-Man Advantage by Leigh Carman


    I love a book where you want to wring the neck of a character to later want to cuddle and comfort them because you understand them now.  That was definitely true for Viktor.  And, Bo too if you think about it.  Each had their own baggage that made them the way they were and when they got together they were opposite enough to fit what the other needed.  I loved that.

    A great book to get your hockey fix this hot summer and the romance to read on the beach. 

    Love is Love and no one has the right to abuse you.


    A hockey star skating on the edge of a catastrophe.

    A PR specialist so adept, he’s called “the Fixer.”

    Working together will be the biggest challenge of both their careers.

    The LA Vikings hockey team is fed up the violent outbursts of its huge, intimidating enforcer, Viktor Novak. Hounded by a homophobic and domineering father, Viktor takes out his frustrations by spilling blood—on and off the ice. Now he has one last chance to clean up his image, or his career is over.

    That’s where Bowen Miller comes in.

    Bo has taken on the hardest cases and succeeded—by micromanaging every aspect of a client’s life—at the expense of his own happiness. But in the stubborn, hot mess that is Viktor, Bo might have met his match—both in and out of the bedroom. One man is out of control, and one controls everything. But when sex and attraction come into play, those roles are open to negotiation.

  • A New Way to Dance by Sean Michael

    A New Way to DanceA New Way to Dance by Sean Michael

    Seth is one strong guy. First his ex ruins his career, then an accident takes the one thing his loves the most away too. You really feel for him. At least he made something of himself. Brook always had a thing for Seth, but the accident kind of took the chance to act on it away. Now, that he found Seth again, he refused to let him go this time. Love how Brook was patient with Seth and would take no for an answer or let Seth hurt himself more than he was. Love is love.

    View all my reviews

  • A Way with Words by Lane Hayes

    A really sweet romantic story about facing your truth, coming out, and falling in love.

    My favorite part is Tony meeting up with Remy for lunch in the Park and how Remy was willing to take there relationship as slowly as Tony needed.  


    Tony De Luca is a simple guy. He works for his uncle’s Brooklyn-based construction firm. And he knows from experience that keeping his head down and doing his job is the best way to deal with the meddlesome family members he sees daily. They think he’s quiet and maybe a little awkward but the truth is more complicated. Tony has a secret he isn’t ready or willing to share. He’s an expert at avoiding familial scrutiny. At least he was until the sexy guitar player showed up.

     Remy Nelson is a small-town, free-spirited guy looking for a new life in the big city. He stays busy playing his instrument on a busy Manhattan street corner during the day and bartending at night. Remy is more interested in finding steady employment than a mate, but he can’t deny his attraction to the dreamy construction worker with soulful eyes, a kind heart, and a unique way with words. Falling for Remy wasn’t what Tony expected, but keeping him will require courage. And an end to keeping secrets.



    “Yeah, that’s no fun. But it’s good to make new friends.” He gave me a sideways grin. “Like us.”

    “Yeah, except you make me sweat,” I admitted with a half chuckle. Then I added, “In a good way. I like you.”

    Remy hummed softly and sidled closer to me, resting his thigh against mine. “I like you too, Tony. You make me smile.”

    We stared at each other for a long moment. All those funny details came rushing at me. Things I never noticed about other people. The gorgeous halo of curls, the shape of his eyes, the freckle on his cheek and those luscious lips. The lone bulb above the back door illuminated him in a yellowish light that shouldn’t have been flattering but I had a feeling Remy would look good with a paper bag on his head. Wait. That didn’t make sense. I furrowed my brow and cocked my head just as Remy set his arm over my shoulder and pulled me forward.

    My heart raced when the tips of our noses brushed and our breath commingled visibly in the cool air. With a courage I didn’t know I possessed, I angled my head and slowly touched my lips to his. Just a touch. He had room to pull away. Hell, he even had room to punch me if I got this totally wrong. But when he purred softly and licked the corner of my mouth, I knew we were on the same page.

    I cradled the back of his head and gently threaded my fingers through his hair. I held him like he was a fragile flower or something. Then in my typical bull-in-a-china-store style, I plunged my tongue between his lips. Remy gasped at the onslaught but he didn’t miss a beat. He wrapped both of his arms around my neck, drawing me close as he glided his tongue over mine, twirling and sucking feverishly.

    I didn’t know how long we made out on that stoop but I could have done it all damn night. He tasted incredible and he felt even better. I loved the way he pressed his chest against mine and those sexy noises he made drove me wild. I wanted more than we were able to do on a cigarette break. Much more.

    We broke for air and eyed each other, looking for clues. Or maybe that was just me. I couldn’t be the one in charge of directing traffic here. I was out of my depth. He had to tell me what came next. I’d never figure it out on my own. Remy caressed my cheek and smiled before leaning in to nibble on my bottom lip.

    “I have to go,” he whispered.

    “Okay. I’ll see ya ’round.” My huskier than usual voice didn’t mesh with the casual vibe I was going for.

    Remy pulled back with a smirk. “That’s all you’re going to say? “See ya”? Don’t you want my number or something?”

    “Um yeah. Yeah, I do.” I pulled out my cell and handed it to him. “Put it in. My hands are shaking.”

    This time when he smiled, I felt it deep inside me. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered like crazy but in a good way.

    Available for Purchase at Amazon

    Meet the Author

    Lane Hayes is grateful to finally be doing what she loves best. Writing full-time! It’s no secret Lane loves a good romance novel. An avid reader from an early age, she has always been drawn to well-told love story with beautifully written characters. These days she prefers the leading roles to both be men. Lane discovered the M/M genre a few years ago and was instantly hooked. Her debut novel was a 2013 Rainbow Award finalist and subsequent books have received Honorable Mentions, and were winners in the 2016 Rainbow Awards. She loves red wine, chocolate and travel (in no particular order). Lane lives in Southern California with her amazing husband in an almost empty nest.

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  • Read, Write, Love at Seaside by Addison Cole

    A really sweet beach read!

    I don’t know about you, but sometimes I do skip the sex scenes in a book sometimes.  I think the lack of scenes accentuates the storyline.  Just because there are no sex scenes, don’t think there is no heat.  Foreplay and sex appeal is still there.

    Kurt is a stick in the mud hermit in a God’s body.  Leanna is the hippish wild child yearning for a little structure and purpose in her life.

    Together they are perfect.  They balance out the other giving each other what they might have not known they need.  I am really looking forward to reading more of this Series.




    Read, Write, Love at Seaside by Addison Cole is the sweet edition of New York Times bestselling author Melissa Foster’s steamy romance novel Read, Write, Love. The stories and characters remain the same, and convey all of the passion you expect between two people in love, without any explicit scenes or harsh language.

    Bestselling author Kurt Remington lives to write. He spends twelve hours a day in front of his computer, rarely leaving the seclusion of his beach-front property, where he’s come to finish his latest thriller — that is, until free-spirited Leanna Bray nearly drowns in the ocean trying to save her dog. Kurt’s best-laid plans are shot to hell when he comes to their rescue. Kurt’s as irritated as he is intrigued by the sexy, hot mess of a woman who lives life on a whim, forgets everything, and doesn’t even know the definition of the word organized.

    Leanna’s come to the Cape hoping to find a fulfilling career in the jam-making business, and until she figures out her own life, a man is not on the menu. But Leanna can’t get the six-two, deliciously muscled and tragically neat Kurt out of her mind. She tells herself she’s just stopping by to say thank you, but the heart-warming afternoon sparks an emotional and unexpectedly sweet ride as Kurt and Leanna test the powers of Chemistry 101: Opposites Attract.

    AmazonBarnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks | Google Play


    I totally get Bella’s dilemma.  Being feminine without being thought of as a helpless waif, can be difficult for beautiful woman.

    I really thought the way Bella and Caden met was absolutely priceless!  Caden won my respect even more when we found out about his son and the circumstances around his fatherhood.  An involved Father who is a cop is sexy!  Bella didn’t have a chance to ignore him.  

    A beach read for sure.  Grab your beach chair, umbrella, a cold drink, and your reading device for a Sweet with Heat journey.  


    Dreaming at Seaside is the sweet edition of New York Times bestselling author Melissa Foster’s steamy romance novel Seaside Dreams. The stories and characters remain the same, and convey all of the passion you expect between two people in love, without any explicit scenes or harsh language.

    Bella Abbascia has returned to Seaside Cottages in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, as she does every summer. Only this year, Bella has more on her mind than sunbathing and skinny-dipping with her girlfriends. She’s quit her job, put her house on the market, and sworn off relationships while she builds a new life in her favorite place on earth. That is, until good-time Bella’s prank takes a bad turn and a handsome police officer appears on the scene.

    Single father and police officer Caden Grant left Boston with his fourteen-year-old son, Evan, after his partner was killed in the line of duty. He hopes to find a safer life in the small resort town of Wellfleet, and when he meets Bella during a night patrol shift, he realizes he’s found the one thing he’d never allowed himself to hope for—or even realized he was missing.

    After fourteen years of focusing solely on his son, Caden cannot resist the intense attraction he feels toward beautiful Bella, and Bella’s powerless to fight the heat of their budding romance. But starting over proves more difficult than either of them imagined, and when Evan gets mixed up with the wrong kids, Caden’s loyalty is put to the test. Will he give up everything to protect his son—even Bella?







    About Addison Cole

    Addison Cole is the sweet alter ego of New York Times and USA Today bestselling and award-winning author Melissa Foster. She writes humorous and emotional sweet contemporary romance. Her books do not include explicit sex scenes or harsh language. Addison spends her summers on Cape Cod, where she dreams up wonderful love stories in her house overlooking Cape Cod Bay.

    Addison enjoys discussing her books with book clubs and reader groups and welcomes an invitation to your event.

    Addison’s books are available in paperback, digital, and audio formats.

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    Whisper Forever BT banner

    By far my favorite C.A. Harms book to date!

    I am such a sucker for unrequited love becoming more.  Add to that the fact that Madelyn has known that Luke was it for her when she was just a baby.  Boys/men take so long to realized what girls/women knew a while ago.  It was a great adventure to see Luke catch up to Madelyn. 

    The comic relief of Luke’s brother just made this story that much better.

    I say this book needs to be submitted to Passionflix ASAP!!!


    Whisper Forever EBook

    I wanted to forget him so many times. Erase the memories we shared and pretend he didn’t exist. It would have made his absence easier to accept.
    Lucas Rivers broke my heart more than once.
    In my world he was my guy, the one I’d grow old with and laugh with. But things aren’t that simple, and time changes everything.
    That naive girl with dreams of happily-ever-afters was gone.
    I didn’t need a man to complete me. I was enough—no, I was more than enough. I was strong and determined. I was Madelyn Emery, and never again would a boy break my heart.
    But the moment Lucas returned after four years, acting like we could pick up where we left off, that strength inside me shifted. The more I tried to ignore his efforts, the harder he fought.
    How can one simple word whispered by one man mean so very much?



    C.A. Harms is like any other addicted reader. She enjoys happy endings and HEA love stories. She hasn’t always been a lover of Romance and had once been addicted to a good Mystery. Just recently she has taken on a new liking and now is a full blown Romance novel addict.
    She lives in Illinois and enjoys spending time with her husband and two children. You will always find her with her kindle or paperback in hand as it is her favorite pass time.





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