• Shadows & Safewords


    Before I get to the reviews, I wanted to update you on the status of my weight loss journey.  This past Monday I weighed in.  I know, I know Monday?  What am I thinking?  I am thinking that weighing in on Mondays forces me not to binge during the weekend and sabotage myself and my weight loss goals.  At the past weigh-in I lost another .5 pounds.  Considering I expect my period any day, that is a very acceptable weight loss.  I can’t wait to see what I lose next week.  As of today I have lost a total of 22.4 pounds.  Bravo to me!!!
    Anyway, something some people don’t know about me is that I can read 10-20 books a week.  Ever since I got my Kindle, I just can’t stop reading.  There was a time I would just veg out in front of the TV, now, I do both!  
    This past week, I had the privilege of spending some time with my Camp Purgatory Hellions and our special guest, Kalista Kyle.   I immediately went to Amazon and bought her new book, Out of the Shadows.   Here is the book description.

    “After kicking his abusive boyfriend to the curb, Joshua Perry wants nothing more than to focus on his career. He might be drawn to powerful, dominant men, but he’s tired of these guys thinking they own him. Then his new boss comes strolling into the office, looking good enough to lick, and the well-dressed alpha tests Joshua’s new resolve.

    Caleb isn’t oblivious to Joshua’s interest, but something isn’t right. Joshua is distracted, and every time he looks at his phone, Caleb fears his new assistant might pass out right where he stands. He’s trying not to push, but every instinct tells him Joshua needs his help. Now, if he can just convince the fiercely independent blond of this, things would be just fine.

    Kicking his lover out on the street wasn’t the road to freedom Joshua had expected it to be. The Enforcer won’t take no for an answer, and he’ll go to any lengths to get Joshua back into his bed, no matter how violent. Can Caleb convince Joshua to accept his help before it’s too late? Or will Joshua’s desire to stand on his own two feet cost him everything in the end?”

    I really did like this book.  Although Kalista said this is a stand alone book, I request her to reconsider.  There is so many possibilities for a series here.   I mean Caleb’s family……..Josh’s best friend…..what actually did happen  with Josh’s ex?  The sexy cop?  Like I said sooo many possibilities!

    Kalista I want more!  I give this book ½.  Why do you say?     I think the story isn’t finished.  I think that if it was a first book in a series, I would have given it four hearts.  However, I really did enjoy the book and Kalista is a sweetheart and it was wonderful hanging out with her.   Again….Kalista I want more!!!!
    Another book I read this week that I absolutely adored (a definite ❤), which totally played to my submissive nature, was Peyton Elizabeth‘s  The First Order [Safeword LLC 1]. Here is the book Description.

    Picture“Becca Schuler has always fantasized about bondage, but did that really make her depraved?  According to an ex-boyfriend, it did.  After having lost her job, and with no way to pay her rent, Becca hits a local bar to drown her sorrows. The last thing she expected was to meet a mysterious woman who assures that she can make Becca’s dream a reality. Was there really such a company called Safeword LLC that places submissive women with dominant men per their preferences on a simple application? Knowing she has nothing to lose, Becca fills out the form on www.safewordllc.com. Her placement lands her in the sensual and strict hands of Lane and Ross Ellison, who train her to be their ideal submissive. But when Becca’s fear of not being perfect weaves its way into their life, she sets out to be just that and unknowingly risks losing it all.”

    I am waiting until I go on my vacation to read the second book in this series,  

    Dare to Submit [Safeword LLC – Book Two].  There is nothing better than reading a really good book on the beach, and Peyton definitely has them in abundance.

    I guess for now, I am done.  I will be checking in again soon.



  • Music of the Heart

    Ok, I just literally finished a book on my Kindle and I just had to take a few minutes to write a review.  

    Music of the Heart by Katie Ashley was an emotional roller coaster, which of course, means that I loved this book.  I got pissed off, I laughed, and yes I cried in both sadness and happiness.  Here is the synopsis taken from Katie’s website:

    “For Abby Renard, the plan was supposed to be simple—join her brothers’ band on the last leg of their summer tour and decide if she’s finally ready for the limelight by becoming its fourth member. Of course, she never imagined stumbling onto the wrong tour bus at Rock Nation would accidentally land her in the bed of Jake Slater, the notorious womanizing lead singer of Runaway Train. When he mistakes her for one of his groupie’s, Abby quickly lets him know she sure as hell isn’t in his bed on purpose.

    Jake Slater never imagined the angel who fell into his bed would resist his charms by promptly kneeing him in the balls. Of course, the fact she seems like a prissy choir girl makes her anything but his type. So he is more than surprised when after betting Abby she wouldn’t last a week on their tour bus, she is more than willing to prove him wrong. But as Jake’s personal life begins to implode around him, he finds an unlikely ally in Abby. He’s never met a woman he can talk to, joke with, or most importantly make music with.

    As the week starts comes to a close, neither Abby nor Jake is ready to let go. Can a sweetheart Country songstress and a bad boy of Rock N Roll actually have a future together? “

    When I was browsing through Amazon, I just stopped at this book, read the synopsis and at first, went onto the next book.  Then, something told me…..go back to that book.  I wish listed it.  The next day (last night) I decided to give it a try.  I couldn’t put it down!  I suffer from Insomnia and I had to force myself to put it down so I could at least try to get some sleep.  I just couldn’t wait to pick it up and start reading it again.  

    Needless to say, I give Music of the Heart  ❤❤❤❤❤!

    I cannot wait to read her other books!



  • Wonder Who I Read?

    I have read so many books in the last 3 years.  All of them on my Kindle.  I believe my library is either close to or is over 2500 books in all.  Wonder who are the authors I read?  Well I have made a list.  Click here and you will see who I read.  As I read more authors, this list will grow.  Each name is linked to a website whether it is the author’s website, Amazon, GoodReads, or their publisher.  I have clicked on each link and copied them directly from the address bar, so the links do work.  Click at your own risk!



  • Play-By-Play

    Before I do anything else, I wanted to help promote a great author, Ms. Jana Downs.  On the right side of my blog you can find a link to her blog.  She has a new release:  Saved by Surrender

    Here is the synopsis of Saved by Surrender:
    Regan Adamson has a secret. As beta for the blackfoot pack, the only thing required of him is acting like a Dominant male. In the world of pack, switching is not an option but when he meets the omega,
    Titus, his resolve to ignore his need for occasional submission is put to the test.

    Titus Oswin is on a mission to rescue a kidnapped group of humans. He never expected to meet his mate in the process. An admitted switch, Titus refused in the past to accept a lover who doesn’t Dominate and submit. But Regan is so deep in the submissive closet that Titus isn’t even sure the instant attraction and growing respect between them is enough for him to take a chance on their relationship.

    As troubles within and without the pack arise, Regan will have to decide if being with Titus will be his ultimate downfall or if he will be saved by his surrender.

    Before I go on to my review newest review, one thing you need to know about me is that when I am into a really story, it plays out in my head like a movie.  A great author will give me enough of the setting to help me around picture everything while still letting me picture certain things on my own.  If an author can make go through every emotion there is in one story, then that is a great author.    
    One such great author is Jaci Burton.  This weekend I was re-readi Jaci’s Play-By-Play Series in celebration of her newest release in this series, One Sweet Ride.  Reading the series in order was like renting all the movies on DVD and watching them in one day.  Ok, granted it took me 3 days to read 6 books, but you get my drift.   

    To get what you want you have to move fast.

    Gray Preston was born into money, but he’s built his racing empire on hard work and muscle. Now, with millions of fans, his senator father sends one of his aides, Evelyn Hill, to elicit Gray’s help in garnering votes for his upcoming national election. Gray wants nothing to do with his estranged father’s campaign, but Evelyn can be pretty persuasive. She’s willing to learn about racing, and maybe even get a little dirty.
    One Sweet RideEvelyn’s number-one goal is politics, which makes working with Gray difficult, because his only passion is fast cars. As she and Gray spend time together, he teaches her about the sport he loves, and she learns a lot about the man behind the wheel. The more she learns, the more she wants him. But any desire that threatens to derail the carefully laid plans for her future is a dangerous one.
    With the passion Gray and Evelyn share running hotter than either imagined, one of them is going to have to compromise, or run the risk of losing more than their hearts. 
    Jaci Burton did a great job with this book!  I hated Senator Preston with a passion for what he did to Gray.  Without giving the ending away, I felt every emotion Gray felt from the beginning of the book, to the end.  Evelyn is a good match for Gray and I love how she didn’t give up on her dreams.  
    My son is a huge NASCAR fan so reading this book made me smile, because I watch almost every  race with him and I knew all the terminology.   That being said, I give One Sweet Ride and the entire Play-By-Play Series ❤❤❤❤❤.

    On a personal note, I am a Weight Watcher.  I have been for almost 6 years.  But it wasn’t until this year that everything has clicked for me.  As of today’s weigh-in (-2.5), I have lost 22 pounds and I have achieved something I thought I never would.  I earned my 10% Key Chain!!!!  If you don’t know what that means, it means that I have lost 10% of the original body weight from the date that I started Weight Watchers.  I am actually proud of myself for that. 

    Ok I guess this entry is long enough for today.  Ciao.


  • My First Official Review!

    Ok, as I said in my last post, I read Stormy Glenn’s Wolf Haven 2: Ollie’s Haven.  In this story we follow Ollie and Griffin and watch them fall in love and how they deal with Griffin’s past of being a Sentry.  While reading, I realized that this book is what I like to call “a set up book”.  “A set up book” is an integral part of the story, which introduces a “home” setting and new characters setting the reader up for future books in the series.  Having said that, I did fall for Griffin during this book.  I love my Shifter’s big and possessive and Stormy did well with Griffin.  

    I have been thinking what rating system to use, when filing my review.   I have decided to go on a five heart system (❤❤❤❤❤).

    So that being said, I give Wolf Haven 2:  Ollies Haven ❤❤❤.  I liked it and it was well written.  I LOVE Stormy as an author and LOVE everything she writes.  I only gave it three hearts because I could tell that it was a “set up book”  and that is fine, but I would have like more meat to it.  However, it does have me anticipating Stormy’s next installation of this series:  Bray’s Bounty.  

    For a complete list of Stormy Glenn’s books please go to www.stormyglenn.com

    On a personal note, I am currently on a weight loss journey like almost every woman I know.  I am a Weight Watcher and am currently on my third go at it.  

    Today I did something that I haven’t been able to do the last two times……I earned my 10% Key Chain.  I cried when my leader gave it to me.  I owe Joann alot.  She is the sweetest woman and with her guidance, I know I will reach my goal.

    At the current moment I am rereading the Play-By-Play Series by Jaci Burton in anticipation of the next installment:  One Sweet Ride.  (Releases June 4, 2013).  I have already read Book 1 and am in the middle of Book 2.  I have supplied the Series’ book order below for your convenience as well as the like to Jaci’s website.

    Book 1: The Perfect Play
    Book 2: Changing the Game
    Book 3: Taking A Shot
    Book 4: Playing to Win
    Book 5: Thrown By A Curve
    Book 5: One Sweet Ride  

    Ok back to reading and cleaning and other things I need to do.

