I have been going nuts lately waiting for my favorite authors’ newest releases. I get the shakes when I can’t get their new books. I realize it takes time for a good book to be written, and therefore, I should be more patient., but…..I don’t wanna!!!
Ok, my two-year-old moment is now past. My waiting for new releases does give me an opportunity to go through my library and re-read books. This past week I re-read The Heroes of Silver Springs Series by Tonya Ramagos. I was shocked to find out that I missed the release of the 10th books in the series and I was jumping for joy!. I re-read the series from the beginning to the newest like I try to always do. Why? Because sometimes, especially with a series that is so long, a reader can forget the little things. Especially since minor characters you never really paid close attention too are now main characters of the new book.
Here is the intro to the series from Tonya’s website.
Welcome to Silver Springs, Mississippi! No, the city doesn’t really exist, but it’s full of life, adventure, hot sex, super-hunky heroes, and, most importantly, romance. Below, you will find the reading order for The Heroes of Silver Springs series. While each book can be read alone, I do suggest reading them in order so you don’t miss anything that has happened with the men and women of Silver Springs.
Here are the books in the series in order.

Book 10 in The Heroes Of Silver Springs Series is Up in Flames.
“Hazmat Engineer-Lieutenant Max Jasper is an explosively orgasmic recipe for disaster. Fire Investigator Regina Zimmer knows if she lets him get too close, she’ll go up in flames. She’s worked hard to prove herself a highly competent professional in the fire service. But when tragedy strikes, the career she loves is threatened, and surrendering to her desires for Max could change everything.
Max asked one question when he first met the fiery redheaded Regina, and she immediately dubbed him as Lieutenant Ass. Since then, anytime their paths have crossed, they’ve ended up snipping at each another. Still, when Regina’s personal life starts to take her down emotionally, Max is there for her. When the Flame Jumper begins torching businesses in Silver Springs and targeting Regina, Max is determined to help her catch the arsonist. But doing so will put his needs for her on the line and create a backdraft neither of them can escape.”
I have loved Max from the beginning of the series. We first meet him in the first book of the series when his sister comes to live with him after her home is destroyed in Hurricane Emilio. He is one of those guys that I pine for their book until I actually get it. After 9 books, I was not disappointed in his story at all. Max and Regina were made for each other. She has the brains, and he has the nose. They make a great team, in and out of bed!. Up in Flames gets ❤❤❤❤❤!
Next time you are having new book withdrawals, go back into your library and re-read a series or all the books from a certain author. I have a question for you, when your purse is empty or that new books isn’t out yet, what book/series/author do you turn to?
You want me to answer first? Ok, I have two stand alone books and two series that I re-reads so much that I am glad they are not paper because they would be ratty and falling apart.
Safe Harbor by Tymber Dalton
Cross Country Chaos by Lesli Richardson
The Divine Creek Ranch Series by Heather Rainier
The Lusty Texas Series by Cara Covington
Let me know your to go books!