• Elite Forces Series by Stormy Glenn & Lynn Hagen

    col·lab·o·rate  [kuh-lab-uh-reyt]
    verb (used without object), collaborated, collaborat·ing.
    1.  to work, one with another; cooperate, as on a literary work

    col·lab·o·ra·tion  [kuh-lab-uh-rey-shuhn]
    1.  the act or process of collaborating.
    2.  a product resulting from collaboration

    I know what you are say….Karen wtf is with the vocabulary lesson?  Relax there won’t be a test.  Not too long ago I talked about anthologies and how I love reading them so that I could find new authors that I might like.   

    The other kind of books that I love is collaborations.  There are a few of the author I read that collaborate often.  Two of my favorite authors collaborate quite often, and of course, I love reading everything they do. Whenever Stormy Glenn and Lynn Hagen and write a book, it feels like Christmas Day!

    As a spin-off of their series Lady Blue Crew, Stormy and Lynn give us Elite Force.  Here is the blurbs for both the first and second books of Elite Force.

                                                                                   Second Chances (Elite Force 1)

    “Make sure he is well taken care of” would be words Lieutenant Ryan Devries would live to regret. He was shocked to see Kurt Ackerman’s name among the harden criminals he was assigned to bring in for questioning, especially since he knew the man intimately.
    Tracking Kurt down and bringing him in was the easy part. Forgetting the look of betrayal on his former lover’s face was hard as hell, especially when Ryan’s message for Kurt to be taken care of was used against him by a sadistic officer out to torture Kurt into confessing everything he knows—which isn’t much.

    Kurt Ackerman was running for his life. When Ryan, the man that left him after one night of bliss, apprehends him and takes him in for questioning, Kurt never expects to survive, let alone see the man again. But when the unit Ryan is working with is ordered to return Kurt to his home planet, the furthest thing on his mind is hooking up with the sexy man again. But forgetting Ryan may be the hardest thing Kurt has ever tried to do, especially when Ryan won’t take no for an answer.

    Chasing down the men on their most wanted list, Ryan soon discovers that not only is winning back Kurt’s trust an almost impossible mission, but so is the task of stopping the Onyx from hurling past End of the Line and into the unknown.”

                                                                                 Rings of Sapphire (Elite Force 2)

    “August Ryker is a man intent on completing his assigned mission and being left the hell alone. Thrown into close quarters onboard the Onyx makes him a very grouchy communications specialist. Crash landing on an abandoned space station just might be at the top of his list of crappy days, but finding a man who belongs to the venomous Andronian race hiding in the air duct might be more than the Sayak can handle—especially when he can’t seem to keep his hands off the guy.

    Not measuring up in the eyes of his own race, Sapphire isn’t surprised when his uncle abandons him in on outpost in the middle of nowhere. Not knowing if he is going to ever be rescued, he’s overjoyed when a spacecraft crash lands on the planet. Who cares if the man that finds him is an Elite Force soldier…and armed…and so damn hot that he takes Sapphire’s breath away? He’s being rescued.

    Isn’t he? Can Sapphire convince August to take him along when the unit leaves or will he be left behind forever?”

    Since Rings of Sapphire just released, I will review that. August Ryker is that gruff warrior type that rings my bell.  When men like him fall, they fall hard.  And who wouldn’t fall for Sapphire.  I truly felt for him when we find out why he was at the space station.  I was pissed off at the same time my heart broke for him.  When August finally realizes that Sapphire is his mate, I melted.  ❤❤❤❤❤  

    I can’t wait for the next book in this series (which according to Stormy’s website will be Cheyenne’s story). 

    All I know is whatever Stormy Glenn and Lynn Hagen write is pure gold! Not only am I recommending you buy this series, I encourage you to obtain the Lady Blue Crew Series as well.  Where one Series ends, another begins.  Well done ladies!



  • My Everything by Jorja Kish

    On October 7, 2013 I had the pleasure of introducing a new author to you.  Like I said then, I have known Jorja Kish for a while and when she told me she was writing a book, I jumped up and volunteered to spotlight her here on my blog.  Now that My Everything has been released by Siren Publishing, I have had a chance to read it and now review it. You can order this title by clicking here.  Below is the synopsis of the book followed by an excerpt.  Enjoy!

    “Cage fighter by necessity, Squeak dodges the henchmen sent by his boss. He hides out at The Crossroad Bar and manages to have hot dirty sex with a stranger. Unfortunately, something inside of Squeak is unleashed when bitten on the shoulder.  Terrified with the excruciating pain, Squeak flees into the night oblivious to the mating bite.

    Commander Tynan Rhys is tired and wants to return to the Lycan Home world. The Crossroad Bar is the last stop on his mission, and he fears it’s another wild goose chase.

    A neon green cap catches his eye, and he soon finds himself with a little imp that makes his blood burn with lust. Due for a quick hookup, Tynan seduces the gorgeous man, but when his canines drop with the uncontrollable urge to bite, all thoughts of his mission are lost.

    Tynan realises too late that he claimed one of the missing Lycan princes, and now faces a death sentence.”

    Story Excerpt

    There was no doubt about it that his little heart was going to burst from his chest. 

    “Holy fucking shit, he is gorgeous,” gasped Squeak, barely listening to the man sitting next to him when he said something. 

    He nodded a few times, but his entire being was focussed on the stranger that sat in the corner of the bar. Without caution, and being entirely rude, Squeak pushed away from the bar, leaving the man midsentence. He took a step toward the gorgeous stranger and soon found himself standing in front of the empty chair across from the Adonis. Biting his lip, he blinked with surprise and glanced back over his shoulder toward the crowded bar. Frowning slightly, he shrugged his shoulders before turning back, still nibbling his lower lip.

    He braved a quick glance at the giant man who sat leaning against the wall. Eyes of the most stunning lavender hue stared back at him. The gaze was clear, sharp, and filled with undisguised lust. Squeak’s eyes popped wider.

    “Hi,” Squeak blurted out, immediately blushing from the squeak in his voice and the raised eyebrow of the stunning man sitting before him. “Aw crap, I sound so stupid.” Squeak blushed further. 

    He tore his eyes away and was about to turn when the sexiest, deepest, and most lust-worthy growl sent shivers down his body. He gasped from the strange sensation in his body and quickly slipped into the vacant chair when his legs felt like they were about to give out.

    “By all means sit with me, little one.” The stranger smirked and nodded at the chair that was suddenly occupied.

    Squeak felt like his face was on fire and his gut was doing crazy flip-flops. He didn’t know if he was going puke all over the guy or climb on his lap and rub his little body all over the stranger.

    “Oh, crap, what is wrong with me,” he muttered under his breath. He was about to stand and leave when a heavily callused hand pressed into his and held his smaller hand with a firm yet gentle grip.

    “Nothing is wrong with you, little one,” the stranger purred. “I am Tynan, and you are?”

    Squeak stared at the massive hand that swallowed his smaller and far more delicate hand. The pressure of the man’s hand sent chills down his back and he shivered from something he couldn’t identify. Pulling his wide eyes away, he raised his long lashes to peek through them and look at the gorgeous creature called Tynan. Fuck, even the name was sexy as hell.

    “People call me Squeak, you know,” he motioned toward his slight stature. “I’m kind of small like a mouse.”

    Tynan nodded, keeping his hand firmly against the delicate bones of Squeak’s soft fingers. He leaned slightly closer and felt his body shiver from the sudden ache in his breeches. His cock hardened and pressed against the snug material. But it was the alluring scent that wrapped itself around his body that had him growling from deep within his chest.

    He watched as the little man’s eyes popped even wider, but the waifish man didn’t pull away from his touch.

    “Man, that’s so cool. How did you make that sound? I mean you’re obviously not a Terran from your ginormous size and I’ve never heard a growl like that come out of one either. And call me crazy, but that was so sexy. I mean you growled like a wild animal would and—oh crap I didn’t mean you were a wild animal, I just mean it sounded really cool and sexy and I really need to shut the hell up.” Squeak moaned as he rubbed his face with his free hand. He tugged away from the firm grip.

    “Don’t,” Tynan murmured, gliding his thumb over the back of Squeak’s hand, “your skin is so soft and your hand is so small and fragile. You smell delicious to me.” 

    Tynan pulled Squeak’s hand across the table toward his hungry body, raised the hand to his lips, and placed a soft kiss on the fingertips. His eyes flared with heat and his belly clenched from the ambrosia of the small taste of the little man. The taste of sweet citrus and mint mingled on his lips.

    “You are exquisite, my little mouse,” he whispered, taking another gentle kiss on the slightly quivering fingers.

    “Uh huh.” Squeak nodded as he leaned forward, practically draped over the small round table. “But I’m not a mouse, I’m a man.”

    Tynan smiled against the hand that was held to his mouth and winked.

    “That you definitely are, Squeak. And I have the need to get to know you much better if you would allow me such a pleasure.”

    Without a word, Squeak scrambled from the table and climbed on top of Tynan’s massive thighs and straddled the gorgeous man.”

    Sometimes with an author’s first book, you can tell that it is their first book.  That isn’t so with this one.  I can tell that Jorja is not only a promising new author, but that she is a fan of m/m, paranormal, sci-fi books.  It was well written, and sucked me in after only reading the prologue.  Tynan is the badass alpha type that I love, and Squeak is a twink with a heart of gold.  I love that combination.  I am going to give this book ❤❤❤❤❤.   One for the fact that the book kept me emotionally involved, one for the love of the characters, one for the story line, one for the anticipation of the next book, and one for the promise of this new author.  Well done Jorja!!!  I can’t wait for the next book!



  • Spotlight on Jorja Kish

    I am please to introduce a new author to you.  I have known Jorja for a while and when she told me she was writing a book, I jumped up and volunteered to spotlight her here on my blog.  Without any further adieu, I introduce Ms. Jorja Kish.

    About Jorja Kish

    Today, Jorja anchors her butt on a squeaky office chair, occasionally staring out her French doors to the acre of land she calls her backyard, armed with a mug of steaming hot coffee and the occasional chunk of chocolate, as she plunges into the world of her characters and fills her computer screen with the next love story. Living the life she was meant to embrace, Jorja is forever grateful for the sudden opportunity she grabbed with both hands.  Dreams do come true, there is such a thing called true love, and everyone deserves their happily ever after.

    Jorja’s first book, My Everything, will be released by Siren Publishing on Wednesday, October 9th.  You can Pre-order today by clicking here.  Below is the synopsis of the book followed by an excerpt.  Enjoy!

    “Cage fighter by necessity, Squeak dodges the henchmen sent by his boss. He hides out at The Crossroad Bar and manages to have hot dirty sex with a stranger. Unfortunately, something inside of Squeak is unleashed when bitten on the shoulder.  Terrified with the excruciating pain, Squeak flees into the night oblivious to the mating bite.

    Commander Tynan Rhys is tired and wants to return to the Lycan Home world. The Crossroad Bar is the last stop on his mission, and he fears it’s another wild goose chase.

    A neon green cap catches his eye, and he soon finds himself with a little imp that makes his blood burn with lust. Due for a quick hookup, Tynan seduces the gorgeous man, but when his canines drop with the uncontrollable urge to bite, all thoughts of his mission are lost.

    Tynan realises too late that he claimed one of the missing Lycan princes, and now faces a death sentence.”

    Story Excerpt

    There was no doubt about it that his little heart was going to burst from his chest. 

    “Holy fucking shit, he is gorgeous,” gasped Squeak, barely listening to the man sitting next to him when he said something. 

    He nodded a few times, but his entire being was focussed on the stranger that sat in the corner of the bar. Without caution, and being entirely rude, Squeak pushed away from the bar, leaving the man midsentence. He took a step toward the gorgeous stranger and soon found himself standing in front of the empty chair across from the Adonis. Biting his lip, he blinked with surprise and glanced back over his shoulder toward the crowded bar. Frowning slightly, he shrugged his shoulders before turning back, still nibbling his lower lip.

    He braved a quick glance at the giant man who sat leaning against the wall. Eyes of the most stunning lavender hue stared back at him. The gaze was clear, sharp, and filled with undisguised lust. Squeak’s eyes popped wider.

    “Hi,” Squeak blurted out, immediately blushing from the squeak in his voice and the raised eyebrow of the stunning man sitting before him. “Aw crap, I sound so stupid.” Squeak blushed further. 

    He tore his eyes away and was about to turn when the sexiest, deepest, and most lust-worthy growl sent shivers down his body. He gasped from the strange sensation in his body and quickly slipped into the vacant chair when his legs felt like they were about to give out.

    “By all means sit with me, little one.” The stranger smirked and nodded at the chair that was suddenly occupied.

    Squeak felt like his face was on fire and his gut was doing crazy flip-flops. He didn’t know if he was going puke all over the guy or climb on his lap and rub his little body all over the stranger.

    “Oh, crap, what is wrong with me,” he muttered under his breath. He was about to stand and leave when a heavily callused hand pressed into his and held his smaller hand with a firm yet gentle grip.

    “Nothing is wrong with you, little one,” the stranger purred. “I am Tynan, and you are?”

    Squeak stared at the massive hand that swallowed his smaller and far more delicate hand. The pressure of the man’s hand sent chills down his back and he shivered from something he couldn’t identify. Pulling his wide eyes away, he raised his long lashes to peek through them and look at the gorgeous creature called Tynan. Fuck, even the name was sexy as hell.

    “People call me Squeak, you know,” he motioned toward his slight stature. “I’m kind of small like a mouse.”

    Tynan nodded, keeping his hand firmly against the delicate bones of Squeak’s soft fingers. He leaned slightly closer and felt his body shiver from the sudden ache in his breeches. His cock hardened and pressed against the snug material. But it was the alluring scent that wrapped itself around his body that had him growling from deep within his chest.

    He watched as the little man’s eyes popped even wider, but the waifish man didn’t pull away from his touch.

    “Man, that’s so cool. How did you make that sound? I mean you’re obviously not a Terran from your ginormous size and I’ve never heard a growl like that come out of one either. And call me crazy, but that was so sexy. I mean you growled like a wild animal would and—oh crap I didn’t mean you were a wild animal, I just mean it sounded really cool and sexy and I really need to shut the hell up.” Squeak moaned as he rubbed his face with his free hand. He tugged away from the firm grip.

    “Don’t,” Tynan murmured, gliding his thumb over the back of Squeak’s hand, “your skin is so soft and your hand is so small and fragile. You smell delicious to me.” 

    Tynan pulled Squeak’s hand across the table toward his hungry body, raised the hand to his lips, and placed a soft kiss on the fingertips. His eyes flared with heat and his belly clenched from the ambrosia of the small taste of the little man. The taste of sweet citrus and mint mingled on his lips.

    “You are exquisite, my little mouse,” he whispered, taking another gentle kiss on the slightly quivering fingers.

    “Uh huh.” Squeak nodded as he leaned forward, practically draped over the small round table. “But I’m not a mouse, I’m a man.”

    Tynan smiled against the hand that was held to his mouth and winked.

    “That you definitely are, Squeak. And I have the need to get to know you much better if you would allow me such a pleasure.”

    Without a word, Squeak scrambled from the table and climbed on top of Tynan’s massive thighs and straddled the gorgeous man.
    An Interview with Jorja 
    Q: What inspired you to write your first book?

    A: I’ve always had stories in my head, since I could write. The problem was I had an idea of what I wanted to write as I got older, but I didn’t feel that my stories fit in the genres that were around.  Once I found the erotic romance genre, I found my home.  My first novel was inspired by a dream I had. It was a naughty dream and I had to write it down. Soon that dream evolved into a story, and then the story went through many stages before I had the guts to submit it. And I’m so grateful for the opportunity of My Everything being published.

    Q: Who is your favourite character from your book and why?

    A: I love all my characters, and the more I write, the more new characters stir emotions in me.  However, I adore Squeak.  He is so feisty and quirky.  He was hurt, but found a way to believe in another person and fall in love. Falling in love took Squeak by surprise. The fact that he really keeps Tynan on his toes is fun to watch…read? Lol.

    Q: What were some of the challenges of writing your current release?

    A: I’m not a linear writer.  For my current release, I started writing a steamy sex scene between the main characters and spiralled out from there.  I get an idea and write it down in story form then run with it. The hard part was trying to fit the rest of the story, since I hop around a lot.  I’ve written many scenes and only so many made to the final draft. It can be frustrating. Apparently, that’s how I “roll”. Of course, another challenge is finding the courage to let someone read my draft.  I was blessed to have my daughter read it.  If it weren’t for her, My Everything would still be locked away in my hard drive. Thanks honey!

    Q: Do you ever experience writer’s block?

    A: That is a Hell Yeah! In the past I would be stuck for days, even weeks and my frustration would grow, because I needed to write, to get the story out.  Then I realised I didn’t have to write the same story in order to write a story.  So, when I have an argument with my Muse, I switch the focus on the current story and pick up another that I wrote earlier and put away.  So now, my writer’s block doesn’t happen as often as it did in the past.

    Q: Do you have any unique talents or hobbies?

    A: Well, for unique hobbies I build anime “Gundam” models.  I have a few anime series I watch from time to time and I used to have over six models that I built over the years. And as to the unique talent(s)…I can write good stories?  Lol. Seriously, though, I’m shy by nature, yet strangers seem to spark up a conversation with me out of nowhere.  My family usually ask me after the conversation between the stranger and me if I know that person. I shrug and say no. Therefore, I guess that’s a unique talent.

    Q: If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

    A: Hands down it would be Gabrielle Evans. Leap of Faith was my first introduction to her writing and I’ve been hooked since.  She was extremely generous with her time when I had questions about the business. And I always felt that she saw me, the person I am.  So, yeah, Gabrielle is my mentor hero.

    Q: Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

    A: I learned to trust my gut even when my head was running around in many directions. My instincts guided me to rewrite the first few chapters after I waited over nine months sitting on the story. So, now I try not to second guess myself with self-doubt and trust what my instincts whisper to me. 

    Q: What book are you reading now?

    A: I adore James Rollins.  So currently, I’m reading Bloodline.  I love his style of writing.

    Q: What can we except from you in the future?

    A: Well, I want to finish the rest of The Lycan Princes series.  And I have a few ideas of a branch off that will hopefully lead into another series revolving around the Lycan Empire.  Also, my Muse has been giving me a few nudges in the direction of a zombie apocalyptic background for a story.  So, as long as I have breath in my lungs, ideas in my head, and passion in my heart I’m good to go for a long while.

    Q: Do you have any tips for readers or advice for writers trying to get published?

    A: Follow what you love and let your passion guide you.  Be informed of what is out there that can help make your dream come true whether it be people, blogs, groups and so forth.  Writing is a career and it’s most definitely not a hobby.  Have faith in you as a person and as a writer and trust your instincts.  Also, connect with people who share your love of writing and reading. Writers are readers too, big time.  And when you do promo, connect first, engage and become friends with groups. Lasting friendships not only give you a shoulder to lean on, it builds a wonderful community to enjoy.

    You can contact Jorja by:

  • Double Full by Kindle Alexander

    Ok, I found, through my searching around, a fairly new author….new at least to me.  Her name is Kindle Alexander. (No!  Really that is her name!!)  I normally don’t do this but her story is touching to me and I want you to get to know her.  This is taken right from Kindle’s “About Me” page on her website. 
    “Best Selling, and newly award winning (whooo hooo!) Author Kindle Alexander is an innovative writer, and a genre-crosser who writes classic fantasy, romance, suspense, and erotica. It’s always a surprise to see what’s coming next! Happily married with too many children, and dogs, living in the suburbs of Dallas.
    Usually, I try for funny. Humor is a major part of my life – I love to laugh, and it seems to be the thing I do in most situations – regardless of the situation, but jokes are a tricky deal… I don’t want to offend anyone and jokes tend to offend. So instead I’m going to tell you about Kindle.
    I tragically lost my sixteen year old daughter to a drunk driver. She had just been at home, it was early in the night and I heard the accident happen. I’ll never forget that moment. The sirens were immediate and something inside me just knew. I left my house, drove straight to the accident on nothing more than instinct. I got to be there when my little girl died – weirdly, I consider that a true gift from above. She didn’t have to be alone.
    That time in my life was terrible. It’s everything you think it would be times about a billion. I love that kid. I loved being her mother and I loved watching her grow into this incredibly beautiful person, both inside and out. She was such a gift to me. To have it all ripped away so suddenly broke me.
    Her name was Kindle. Honest to goodness – it was her name and she died a few weeks before Amazon released their brand new Kindle e-reader. She had no idea it was coming out and she would have finally gotten her name on something! Try finding a ruler with the name Kindle on it. It never happened.
    Through the course of that crippling event I was lucky enough to meet my writing partner. I would have never gotten through those dark days without her unwavering support and guidance. There wasn’t a time she wasn’t there for me. For the first time I used the hand offered. I know without question I wouldn’t be here today without her. It takes a special person to come stand beside someone at a time like that. I will love her forever. I could go on and on about both of them, but I won’t and now you know a little more About Me.”
    Ok now go dry your tears so I can tell you about the new book that is being released on October 8, 2013, Double Full.  Double Full  is the first book in Ms. Alexander’s Nice Guy Series.  Here is the blurb for the book.
    “Up and coming football hero, Colton Michaels, makes a Hail Mary pass one night in the college locker room that results in the hottest, sexiest five days of his young life. However, interference after the play has him hiding his past and burying his future in the bottom of a bottle. While Colt seems to have it all, looks can be deceiving, especially when you’re trapped so far in a closet that you can’t see your way out. When ten years of living his expected fast-lane lifestyle lands him engaged to his manipulative Russian supermodel girlfriend, he decides it’s time to call a new play.                                                                                                                                                 Jace Montgomery single-handily built the largest all-star cheerleading gym in the world, driven by a need to forget a life-altering encounter with a handsome quarterback a decade ago. His reputation as an excellent coach, hard-nosed business man, and savvy entrepreneur earned him respect in the sometimes catty world of competitive cheerleading. When Jace learns of his ex-lover’s plans to marry, his heart executes a barrel roll and his carefully-placed resolve tumbles down without a mat to absorb the shock. Can his island escape help him to finally let go of the past and move his life forward?”

    As I was reading at one point I thought wow I don’t want this book to end.  I tapped my Kindle to see how long before the book would end.  To my pleasant surprise, I was only at 63%.  I had almost half the book to still read…..skwwwwweeeeeeeee!!!  This book is addicting.  I received my copy Wednesday night and I read this entire book yesterday.  I just could not put it down.   I can so see why Colt fell instantly in love with Jace, because I did too.  I awwwwed through this book, how sweet Colt is to Jace.  Romantic beyond belief.  My heart broke, I cried happy and sad tears.  As soon as I finished this book, I e-mailed Kindle and told her how much I really liked this book.  (I also made sure that the person whose story I wanted next was in fact next and……it is!!!!! (Doing a happy dance.)   I really cannot wait to see the next delight Kindle releases after this.  Oh btw….I give the book ❤❤❤❤❤.  If you couldn’t guess…..I really liked it!
    Kindle’s Library includes:  The Current Between Us, Texas Pride (previously reviewed by me), Up In Arms, Blood Bonds, Eligible Bachelors (Reality With a Twist Series), and Double Full (Nice Guy Series).  Please visit her website for purchase information.

  • Backfield in Motion by Jami Davenport

    Yesterday I read Backfield in Motion by Jami Davenport, the fourth installment of her Seattle Lumberjacks Series.  I have been waiting a while for this book and I am thrilled it is finally here!

    Without further ado….here is the blurb for Backfield in Motion.
    “All you’ll ever be is a pretty face… Star running back Bruce “Bruiser” Mackey has heard those words his entire life, especially after his twin brother’s tragic accident. He might use his surfer-boy good looks to land lucrative endorsements for his secret charity, but he hates books being judged by their covers. Which is why it’s wrong that his friend Mackenzie Hernandez is intent on giving herself a makeover.

    Sure, Mac and her father have been reeling financially since her brother disappeared three years ago, and Lumberjacks management gives an annual scholarship that might get her life back on track, but he can’t imagine anyone smarter, sexier, or more beautiful than Mac already is. He can’t keep his hands off her—and the more they spend time together, the less he wants to. She’s perfect as is. One way or another, he’ll make sure the team’s tomboy greenskeeper gets a full ride. And between the two of them, they can learn to accept what’s behind them and look downfield to a future full of win.”

    This is a story of proves that you cannot judge a book by its cover.  From the “Asshole” with a damaged heart of gold to the tomboy who is hot not only on the inside, but outside too. This book has you believing that everything is not always what you think they are at first glance.  I give this book ❤❤❤❤❤

    One thing I love is that Bruiser helps with kids like his brother so they do not meet the same fate.  I love Mac’s loyalty to her father and the love and support she gives him.  I can’t say much else without summarizing the whole book and revealing too much.  

    There is the reading order for the Seattle Lumberjacks Series:

    1.  Fourth and Goal
    2.  Forward Passes
    3.  Down by Contact
    4.  Backfield in Motion  
    5.  Time of Possession (Early 2014)
    6.  Roughing the Passer (Spring 2014)

    Just in case you can’t get enough of the Lumberjacks…..then I have great news for you!  Jami has a spin-off series in the works called “Seattle Lumberjacks–The Rookies”.  The first book in this series, Christmas Break, will be released in November 2013.

