Something to Dream On by Diane Rinella

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If a painting in the home of your perfect man reflects your dreams of doom, do you run, or do you dare to embrace love?

While Lizetta lives a life of compassion, childhood bullying over a few extra pounds have caused this sparky woman to lose sight of the beauty of her soul. Jensen’s recent past is filled with substance abuse, shady morals, and loose women. A brutal wake up call forced him to find his way back to the gentle soul he once was; however, there are some whose futures depend on the return of the demon.

Souls can heal, but how long can they fight the forces that seek to destroy them? If one of those forces is the person who shattered your self-image, and she is determined to take down the one you love, could you still believe that everyone deserves a second chance?

I usually don’t like books that are like watching an episode of the Twilight Zone (I could never get into that show) but this one is really good. 

Lizetta lives life the to fullest.  She is a compassionate and passionate person.  Although her childhood wasn’t the best, she took the lemons and made lemonade.  Now all she has to do is get over her body issues, and she would be golden (Her and me both!).

Jensen is a brilliant guitarist.  One day he realizes that doing drugs and many women are getting him no where except maybe the grave.  His mother throwing him out was the best thing that happened to him.  He gets himself clean and then fate brings him Etta and Lizetta.

A whirlwind romance occurs until an event that has your heart breaking and then stop.  Will Lizetta find her way back to Jensen?

You think I am going to tell you…..not!!! Read the book yourself!

4 Hearts!

Currently on sale of 99 cents, or free with Kindle Unlimited.




Enjoying San Francisco as a backdrop, the ghosts in Diane’s 150-year old Victorian home augment the chorus in her head. With insomnia as their catalyst, these voices have become multifarious characters that haunt her well into the sun’s crowning hours, refusing to let go until they have manipulated her into succumbing to their whims. Her experiences as an actress, business owner, artisan cake designer, software project manager, Internet radio disc jockey, vintage rock n’ roll journalist/fan girl, and lover of dark and quirky personalities influence her idiosyncratic writing.


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Diane Rinella
January 27, 2015 12:25 pm

Thank you so much for taking the time to read, review,and post. I really appreciate it.
