• Just Once Chance by C.A. Harms

    Sometimes you just need to let loose.  Have a shot or two of Tequila and just chill out.  And sometimes you just need to take that Tequila bottle and just hit yourself over your head with it for the good it will do you.  For X and Morgan it meant one night together, or at least that is what Morgan let herself think it was.  

    I love how Xavier with the help of his frat brothers, Marcus, and even Morgan’s parents, he refuses to let her go.  He doesn’t take no for an answer.  He might not have remembered that first night at first, but he remembered enough to know never to let her go…..I love that. 

    My favorite parts are with Toby.  He really made me smile.  

    Tequila, you failed me. 

    You left me in a terrible haze, and I can’t find my god damn wallet.

    Or my left shoe.

    How the hell does one lose their shoe?


    I have no f*cking clue.

    All I know is that my night started out with one thing in mind…to have a little fun.

    The problem with that? I can’t remember a damn thing, except one.

    Morgan’s soft and needy moans. It’s a sound I will never forget, and just thinking about it makes my heart race and my pulse quicken. And I want to hear it over and over again…I crave it.

    But Morgan’s a mystery. The harder I try, the more she resists. There’s one thing she doesn’t know about me though…I’m not one to give up.

    I’ll play her game. I’ll let her think she’s won. But in the end, I will have her.

    Because all I need is Just One Chance to prove she’s meant for me

    I love HEA stories, as long as they come packing a little heat. I need some excitement, some angst, and moments that make me fan my face are always good too. I am an Illinois girl, born and raised. Simple and true, it honestly doesn’t take much to make me happy. I love the little things; they truly mean the most. I may have a slight addiction to my new Keurig—oh my, that thing is a godsend. And so fast too. I have two children who truly are my very best friends, and their faces never fail to put a smile on my face. I have been married to my husband for sixteen years, and even though at times I want to beat him with a stick, I would never change the years we have had. We have learned and fallen, only to pick each other up, dust off the ache, and help each other make it right.

    I am one of those authors that adore my fans. I love to hear from you. After all, it is because of each one of you that I continue to write. I look forward to your feedback.

    Be sure to follow me to stay up-to-date on all my upcoming releases.


  • Butcher by Leann Ashers


    This book was written in a very different style than I am used to reading.  It took a couple of chapters to get used to, but once I did, I couldn’t put it down.  

    I really enjoyed how warm the characters were to each other.  But when needed, they switched easily to the big bad MC member you think of.

    Shaylin is the epitome of a Biker Princess and thensome.  She was perfect for Butcher.  Ahhh…….Butcher.  Silent and deadly.  A biker enforcer to a “T:.  He get my Golden Heart Award for book boyfriend.  He is everything I love.  Big, bad and has a heart that is huge for the people he loves.  I want a Butcher for myself!


    He stalked me from the moment he saw me. He watched me day and night.

    Butcher is what everyone calls crazy. They see all the tattoos and scars and to be honest, to most people he looks downright scary. He’s dangerous. He is after all the enforcer to the Devil Souls MC.

    But to me? He’s just Butcher. I see him. I see who he really is. I see a man who will do anything for the people he cares about. I see the man who will protect and love me above everything else.  

    I am just as obsessed with him as he is me. I will die for him and he would kill for me.  

    What everyone doesn’t know is I have the same crazy inside of me…

    Haven’t read this series yet?  

    Now is your chance to get caught up!


    Amazon US:  http://amzn.to/2u8LOg9

    Amazon UK:  http://amzn.to/2wbJAtL

    Amazon CA:  http://amzn.to/2vxGcvY

    iBooks:  http://apple.co/2fcbfXz

    Kobo: http://bit.ly/2uRb3Qc

    Nook: http://bit.ly/2uRcKNN

    Grab Book One TODAY!

    Amazon:  http://amzn.to/2uXV2LC

    B&N: http://bit.ly/2uCckvn

    Kobo: http://bit.ly/2tZthhe

    iBooks: http://apple.co/2vJnLRY

    About the Author

    LeAnn Asher’s is a blogger turned author who spends her days reading and writing She released her debut novel early 2016, and can’t wait to where this new adventure takes her. LeAnn writes about strong minded females and strong protective males who love their women unconditionally.


    Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


  • Just Once by C.A. Harms




    Sometimes you just need to let loose.  Have a shot or two of Tequila and just chill out.  And sometimes you just need to take that Tequila bottle and just hit yourself over your head with it for the good it will do you.  For X and Morgan it meant one night together, or at least that is what Morgan let herself think it was.  
    I love how Xavier with the help of his frat brothers, Marcus, and even Morgan’s parents, he refuses to let her go.  He doesn’t take no for an answer.  He might not have remembered that first night at first, but he remembered enough to know never to let her go…..I love that. 
    My favorite parts are with Toby.  He really made me smile.  


    Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000447_00006]

    Tequila, you failed me.

    You left me in a terrible haze, and I can’t find my god damn wallet.

    Or my left shoe.

    How the hell does one lose their shoe?

    I have no f*cking clue.

    All I know is that my night started out with one thing in mind…to have a little fun.

    The problem with that? I can’t remember a damn thing, except one.

    Morgan’s soft and needy moans. It’s a sound I will never forget, just thinking about it makes my heart race and my pulse quicken. And I want to hear it over and over again…I craved it.

    But Morgan’s a mystery. The harder I try the more she resists. There’s one thing she doesn’t know about me though…I’m not one to give up.

    I’ll play her game, I’ll let her think she’s won. But in the end, I will have her.

    Because all I need is Just One Chance to prove she’s meant for me…



    Before I could say anything, Xavier hooked me around the waist and stepped closer to Pete. “Hi, you must be Pete,” he said, thrusting his hand out toward the dumbfounded man. “I’m Xavier, Morgan’s boyfriend, and we’re here to meet Marcus.”
    “Um, y-y-yeah.” I felt awful at Pete’s obvious stuttering. “L-l- let me show you both to your table.”
    “You are awful.” I slapped at his arm as he slid his hand lower, cupping my ass. “What are you gonna do next, pee on my leg?”
    I walked away from him but I could hear his laughter echoing behind me. Apparently Xavier Stone was on some type of high horse. As I approached the table I had a feeling that my best friend had some involvement in this fiasco.

    Just One Chance FINAL-paperback.jpg

    C.A. Harms is like any other addicted reader. She enjoys happy endings and HEA love stories. She hasn’t always been a lover of Romance and had once been addicted to a good Mystery. Just recently she has taken on a new liking and now is a full blown Romance novel addict.
    She lives in Illinois and enjoys spending time with her husband and two children. You will always find her with her kindle or paperback in hand as it is her favorite pass time.


  • BOYSTOWN SERIES by Jake Biondi

    I first read this story in 2014 and have yet to stop.  Below please find my reviews for each book; the series overview written by Jake Biondi; and his biography with contact information.  

    Please keep in mind Seasons 1-3 were written in 2014/15.


    Season One & Season Two

    Upon starting to read the book, notice two things right from the get get go. If you notice, each book is not Book One and Book Two, but rather Season One and Season Two. There are no Chapters in these books but rather Episodes. 

    As I read, I always have the television on and I know all the lingo they use. So I decided, as I read this book, to see it as a soap opera. So, as far as I am concerned I wasn’t reading books, but screenplays with direction written. I have never read books in this style. Usually books play in my head more like a movie. Please note, although these books are majorly m/m, there are also m/f scenes also. There is one m/f married couple and a complete Bitch who screws everyone. And, there is rape contained in Season One. 


    If you watch soap operas, then these books are definitely something you should read. There is revenge, adultery, action, hospital scenes, tragedy, and of course hot passion. If you have watched soaps (mine were Ryan’s Hope, Days of Our Lives, Another World and Santa Barbara), then I know you will like these books. In fact, in my own opinion, these books should be made into the soap opera I imagine it to be. I know I would watch it. (Any producers out there??)





    Season Three

    Like I said before, this series is more like a screen play than a book. I know there is a crusade to make this series into a television show on a cable channel. I really think that is possible if the right people catch a whiff of it.

    This season of BOYSTOWN, we continue the stories of friends and lovers in Chicago. Love, deceit, tragedy, comedy, and intrigue. All the wonderful components to make any soap opera a hit. Like any soap, there are story lines I love and can’t get enough of, and some that I can’t wait until they resolve so that I can stop hearing about them. If you are a soap addict, read this series!!!!!!




    Season Four
    Ok, you may have noticed that I haven’t read Boystown since 2015.  That is because Jake hasn’t wrote more episodes or that I haven’t enjoyed reading them.  
    You see, I don’t know if you are old enough to remember Dallas’s “Who shot J.R.?” finale, but I sure am.  I watched that season premiere on a four inch screen with the entire block in my TV room in my parents’ home because we had no power due to Hurricane Gloria.  Why do I bring that up?  Because of that storyline and how uncomfortable it was to watch it, I hate cliffhangers.  Now that Jake has put a few more books out, I am “binge watching” Boystown.  
    In this Season, we find out a lot of information.  Secrets are revealed and lives hang in peril.   More sex, more lies, more break ups…..exactly what one would expect from a nighttime drama.


    Season Five

    More secrets revealed, death loss.  This book definitely put a lump in my throat.  I didn’t tear up until Chadwick sung “Bring Him Home” from Les Misérables.  That is my favorite Broadway show.
    New characters come into the storyline.  Old ones seen new ways of up heaving the lives in Boystown we have grown to love.
    This season is as nail biting as the last four!
    Who dies, who lives, who finds out what?  Gahhhh now I have to stay up and read the next season. 



    Season Six

    Please be warned, there is rape in this book.

    They say Michael has Nine lives, then Derek my have Twelve!  How he has survived all his injuries, I will never know.

    Seriously, this group of friends/family should never host an event again!  I mean, if I were the entertainers they get for each party/event, I would never take that gig!.

    Don’t know about you, but I get a Carrington/Colby vibe with the Mancini/Ciancio families.  

    Kidnappings, psychos, multiple people admitted to St. Joe’s… just a typical day in Boystown.  




    Season Seven
    Jake, I say this in the most loving way possible.  You are a cruel, cruel man.  It is J.R. all over again!  Did you hear me cursing you out? I
    have read all seven seasons of Boystown in three days.  All have been read back to back.  At the beach, in my bed, at the dinner table, and not to mention the “reading room”.  With every book the author has  kept me engaged, enranged, and at times, deranged!
    As I have previously stated in a past review, I have been a soap fan for a good portion of my life.  Like those, Boystown has embodied storylines that  keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time.  It keeps you guessing and makes you go through a myriad of emtions.  Episode #69 had me in tears as well as the last.  
    Can you believe that I now have to wait til next season to see what happens now?  Jake, I need next Season STAT!!!! 



    The Story BOYSTOWN is the continuing story of several couples living in Chicago’s famed Boystown neighborhood.

    The Mancini brothers — as well as their friends and significant others — are at the core of BOYSTOWN. Emmett Mancini, the youngest of the brothers, is a bright, caring guy whose boyfriend Keith Colgan has a past Emmett knows little about . . . yet. Derek Mancini, and his wife Joyelle, are BOYSTOWN’s straight couple . . . but a recent encounter with hunky Cole O’Brien could have life-altering consequences for Derek. And when Justin Mancini, the oldest brother, arrives in BOYSTOWN, he brings with him a family history that both Emmett and Derek were hoping to forget: a bitter feud with the powerful Ciancio family.

    Interracial couple Logan Pryce and Max Taylor have been together have survived the ups and downs that are common in most long-term relationships; however, they must now face a crisis that neither of them ever expected. A chance encounter with an old flame sends Max on a mission to discover a secret buried long ago . . . and tests the strength of his commitment to Logan.

    One of the most diverse and lively neighborhoods in the country, Chicago’s Boystown has something for everyone. So it’s no wonder that roommates Jesse Morgan and Cole O’Brien chose to live there upon graduating from college. Ready to begin the next phase of their
    lives in an exciting new city, Jesse and Cole quickly find themselves at the center of the drama and intrigue that makes up this adult playground. Against the backdrop of the vibrant Chicago skyline, some couples are brought together while others are torn apart, once-buried family vendettas are resurrected, and friends unite to face the challenges that life throws their way.

    Family. Love. Deception. Romance. Power. Revenge. Passion. Betrayal.
    Welcome to BOYSTOWN!

    The History BOYSTOWN has a very interesting history. In Spring of 2013, I started to toss around in my head the idea of writing a continuing drama that focused on gay characters. I considered some ideas for characters and storylines. Then I finally began actually writing BOYSTOWN in June of 2013 as an online story and intended to release one “episode” online per month, each ending in a cliffhanger. The story became so popular — and the online reading audience grew so quickly — that people from all over the country began to email me
    demanding to know what happened to their favorite characters and wanting the episodes to be released faster. They also had suggestions for future storylines! I was surprised and excited by the readers’ response to BOYSTOWN and began to write and release installments more quickly. By November, 2013, I had released 10 episodes and the reading audience had expanded well beyond the borders of America.

    Because of BOYSTOWN’s huge success online and the serialized nature of my writing, readers from all over the globe were able to correspond with me and influence the storylines of the BOYSTOWN saga as I wrote it. It is really exciting to interact with fans in this way.

    I think it’s something very unique to BOYSTOWN.

    Readers also suggested that I publish the first ten episodes as a book rather than leaving them online. I took their advice — and BOYSTOWN Season One was published in late November, 2013. The book sold well and I continued to write additional episodes. Episodes 11 – 20 were released in July, 2014 as BOYSTOWN Season Two. BOYSTOWN Season Three was released on May 1, 2015, BOYSTOWN Season Four was released on November 13, 2015, BOYSTOWN Season Five was released on June 1, 2016, BOYSTOWN Season Six was released on December 16, 2016, and BOYSTOWN Season Seven was released on July 7, 2017.

    The Future – I think readers really like that BOYSTOWN is written like a TV series. It moves quickly and keeps people on the edges of their seats! And now the BOYSTOWN team is working to bring BOYSTOWN to television. Interest in the series is high — the future of BOYSTOWN, both in print and on screen, will surely be a bright one.

    Author Biography

    JAKE BIONDI Author of the popular BOYSTOWN series Growing up in the suburbs of Chicago, Jake Biondi fell in love with “The Windy City” at an early age. He left the Chicago area for four years to attend the University of Notre Dame, from which he graduated with degrees in English and Business. He was awarded the university’s prestigious William Mitchell Award for Playwriting. Upon graduating from Notre Dame, Biondi returned to Chicago where he attended and graduated from the Loyola University Chicago School of Law. He has been living in Chicago’s Boystown neighborhood for over 20 years.

    While studying literature, Biondi became a huge fan of Charles Dickens whose novels were originally released in installments, each ending in a cliffhanger to keep readers coming back for more. Because of his love of those novels as well as television dramas such as Dynasty, Knots Landing, Dallas, and Revenge, Jake Biondi decided to create a serialized saga for contemporary audiences. Thus, the BOYSTOWN series was born.

    Biondi began BOYSTOWN in June of 2013 as an online story and intended to release one “episode” online per month, each ending in a cliffhanger. The story became so popular — and the online reading audience grew so quickly — that people from all over the country began to email him demanding to know what happened to their favorite characters and wanting the episodes to be released faster. They also had suggestions for future storylines. Excited by and grateful for his readers’ responses to BOYSTOWN, Biondi began to write and release installments more quickly.

    In November of 2013, Biondi moved BOYSTOWN offline and published the first ten installments in book form as BOYSTOWN Season One. The book became an international hit, with fans all over the globe clamoring for more. BOYSTOWN Season Two was published in July of 2014. Season Three was released on May 1, 2015, Season Four was released on November 13, 2015, Season Five was released on June 1, 2016, Season Six was released on December 16, 2016, and Season Seven was released on July 7, 2017. 

    Because of the popularity of the book series, fans have suggested that BOYSTOWN be turned into a television series. Biondi recently completed the TV scripts for the first season of BOYSTOWN and hopes to bring the series to television in the very near future.


  • Release Day Blitz

    Release Day Blitz:
    Bama Girl Blues by Gracen Miller
    Contemporary Rocker Romance


    It was supposed to be one night of passion…

    Winston “Keys” Cornell is the guitarist for Hot Wired, the hottest band around. With hard work and dedication his band has become a household name. He’s no stranger to a high profile life. Being the heir to a New York fortune meant he was nurtured beneath the scrutiny of the public eye. The paparazzi have been kind, dubbing him the gentleman rocker, a man that plucks the heart strings of women everywhere.

    …an agreement between friends, nothing more.

    Nessa Hayes is a woman on a mission. She’s outspoken, foul-mouthed, and has her life mapped out. Determined no one will sidetrack her dreams, she’s surprised by her attraction to her childhood friend, Keys. Engaging in an affair with no-strings seemed like a great idea at the time, but falling in love might be the least of her heartache.

    But scandals never sleep and…

    When their different worlds collide, can they overcome their diversity for a chance at romance? Or will they be broken hearted, left to sing a sad and lonely tune?


    …this one might leave Keys singing the Bama Girl Blues!

    Buy Links:

    Amazon US: http://goo.gl/ZbKS8O
    Amazon UK: http://goo.gl/mCGwh9
    Amazon CA: https://goo.gl/mRGXV3
    B&N: http://goo.gl/dQ04cP
    Kobo: https://goo.gl/l75gm2
    Oyster: https://goo.gl/Piyv6M


    GRACEN MILLER is a hopeless daydreamer masquerading as a “normal” person in southern society. When not writing, she’s a full-time lacrosse mom for her two sons and a devoted wife to her real-life hero-husband of over twenty years. She has an unusual relationship with her muse, Dom, but credits all her creative success to his brilliant mind. She’s addicted to writing, paranormal romance novels, horror movies, Alabama football, and coffee… addictions are not necessarily in order of priority. She’s convinced coffee is nectar from the gods and when blending coffee and writing together it generates the perfect creative merger. Many of her creative worlds are spawned from coffee highs and Dom’s aggressive demands. Gracen writes in multiple genres—paranormal romance, paranormal erotic romance, rock star contemporary romance, and dystopian romance. To learn more about Gracen or to leave her a comment, visit her website at www.gracen-miller.com.
    Stalker Links for Gracen:

    Facebook Author Page: https://goo.gl/1wNrl4Website: www.gracen-miller.com

    Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/br7lLP

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/GracenMiller

    Review Team Sign-Ups: https://goo.gl/DHTwST

    Book Bub: https://goo.gl/SKFb4n