Release Day Blitz ~ Carolina Hurricane By Gwendolyn Grace


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I was standing in the middle of nowhere with no real destination in mind. There was only the dire need to disappear from Charleston. With my head tilted up to the gray sky and my eyes closed, I let the light droplets of rain fall onto my face. I’d reached a crossroads in my life and was trying to find a reason to keep going. I had no idea a hurricane was coming and fate would choose that moment for our paths to cross.

“Hey! You okay?” A voice called out to me in a deep southern drawl, pulling me out of my fog. “Can I give you a ride somewhere?” I opened my eyes and found a pair of intense blue eyes staring back at me. His name was Fox. He had an irresistibly sexy grin, and judging by his fast car, a need for speed. His timing couldn’t have been more perfect. I was looking to start a little trouble, since it was what I did best and he seemed like a good target. After sharing an incredible night together, I quickly learned that Fox was more than he appeared and full of delicious surprises. He gifted my body with unbelievable pleasures and unlocked emotions that I’d wanted to keep hidden. When I pushed him away, he left claiming a piece of my soul.

I never imagined that getting into his car that day would start a transformation within me and forever change the course of my life. Fox challenged every rule I’d ever made by tearing down the carefully constructed barriers around my heart. I never intended to fall in love with him but how could I resist a man who was so different than I’d expected and more than I ever deserved? The grayness in my life caused by loss and betrayal was waging a storm within me; Fox was the anchor I needed to stop the inner turmoil and bring me back into the light.

**Carolina Hurricane is the first book in the Drive Me Wild- Love in Fast Lane Novellas series**

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You are cordially invited to come and celebrate the release of Carolina Hurricane with us. Stop in for fun and prizes!!



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When Gwendolyn Grace is not daydreaming about fictional characters, she tries to be a fairly decent wife and an attentive mother. During the day she manages the office for a small maritime security company that fights pirates, just not the cool Johnny Depp kind. In her spare time, she is a blogger and book reviewer however writing has been her passion for as long as she can remember. She plans for many more steamy romances to come.
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