Rafe Blackstone and Vin Thorn had been best friends for thousands of years. They were part of an elite group called the Ravens of War, and were made up of twelve men created by Zeus. When they were no longer needed on Olympus, they’d been sent to Earth to find happiness, and hopefully their Fated.
For Tamara Mejia, she’d given up finding that one man meant just for her. Having the ability to see the future ran in her family. So when she saw her own death, she set out to enjoy what she had left. That didn’t include two larger than life men who claimed she was their one.
Cronus pulled Tamara to Hell, and planned to use her as leverage to get his granddaughter, Selena, who’s Tamara’s best friend, to bargain for her life.
Rafe, Vin and all the Ravens need the help of the gods and goddesses from Olympus to save not only Tamara, but Earth itself.
First, I have to let you know that this book will forever be in my heart because it got me through a really tough night. This review was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I was in the ER for nine hours doing more waiting than anything else. I was there to see if I had appendicitis, but it took them 9 hours to tell me that what I did have was ovarian cysts. But while I was waiting I got to read Two for Tamara. It kept my mind from being upset. Love ya Elle!
In this second book, you see Tamara falling for these two ravens. Tamara tries to enjoy what is between her and these sexy men. She tries to not fall too deep for them because of her vision. Rafe and Vin never thought that they would be Fated to the same woman, but for Tamara, they will, and will get Tamara on board with the idea. When Cronus uses Tamara to try to get Salena by taking her to Hell, Rafe and Vin will do anything to get her back.
Zeus is still my favorite character. To me, he is hysterical! So not the stereotypical personality that is usually given to him. I love it!
Again, Elle tells a beautiful love story with a supernatural kick. The three kick ass in one breath, and make love in another. I give this book 4 Hearts! I can’t wait for Jaklyn’s story!
I’m a full-time wife and mother of two who has loved to read and write since childhood. I survived cancer and decided I could do anything, setting personal goals then and there. Four years later, after meeting many wonderful writers who allowed me to beta read for them, whom I can now call friends, I decided to write a book. Several years later I’ve attained my first goal, becoming a published author.
I love to write and have all kinds of stories in my head waiting to be written. The best part about my new journey is that if I don’t like it, I can re-write it, unlike real life, so I always make sure there’s a happy ending.
I’m creating new worlds, and I hope you all enjoy them with me. I can guarantee you’ll always have a hero or two you’ll love, and a heroine you’ll want to be.
I had a telephone interview with Elle this week. We had a great time talking. Eventually, I had to actually ask the questions, or we would have totally never got to it.
Q. Who is your favorite character and why?
A. Zeus, because he is quirky,funny and sexy as all hell. He is a great father and very committed to Hera.
Q. How do you organize your ideas?
A. I have a book where I keep track of the characters. It mostly contains things like: the characters brief bio, who their love interests are, and quirky things.
Q. Why Menage?
A. Love to read menage book, they are fun and hot. When I sat down to actually write, the characters told me that will be the way it will be.
Q. How did you come up with the title of your book or series?
A. I was in shower and thought of Zeus and how Selena was taken from him. From there it just happend. Then one night I had a dream with ravens in it and change it to the Ravens, because it was unique.
Q. If you could change ONE thing about your book, what would it be? Why?
A. As of right now, I wouldn’t change anything.
Q. Give us an interesting fun fact or a few about your book or series.
A. Salena’s last name is one of my friend’s last name. Characteristics of some of my characters are from people I really know.
Q. Who are your influences?
A. Sherrilyn Kenyon, J.R. Ward, Shelly Laurenston, Kate Douglas, and so many others, too many to name 🙂
Q. If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
A. Without a doubt, Sophie Oak and Bianca D’Arc.
Q. What book are you reading now?
A. Dark Refuge by Kate Douglas
Q. What was the hardest part of writing a book?
A. Actually the hardest part for me is not the writing the book, it is the promotion of the book after it is finished. I am very technology challenged.
Q. Do you ever experience writer’s block?
A. Not Yet.
Q. What is currently in your WIP?
A. Book 3 of the Ravens of War which will be Jaklyn’s story. I also have Book 4, which will be Kira’s story.
Q. Other than the Ravens of War, are you writing anything else?
A. I have 2 paranormal books written and ready to be published and a contemporary that needs revising.
Elle was wonderful enough to give me a copy of Two for Tamara to giveaway! Just leave a comment on my blog, and I will use random.org to select a winner! Please note, the copy is in mobi format.